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Aiden, and his twin brother Logan, was born in the US in 2005. They were much wanted IVF babies and were a blessing (and a handful) from day one. They were born at 37 weeks after a healthy pregnancy with zero complications and no need for the NICU.  Logan has no medical issues at all.

When Aiden was about 9 months to a year old, we started to notice his eyes roll back as if he was going to pass out but then a few seconds later he was back to normal. We took him to a pediatric neurologist who confirmed he had absence seizures, most likely growing out of them before 8-10 years.

We moved back to Scotland when he was around 4 and continued to treat his absences. By the time he started primary school it was evident that he had speech and some learning delays, stimming habits, along with hypermobility and a bone age delay of about 4-5 years.  We attended regular therapies and he was given additional support at school.

When he reached 5 his neuro decided he’d outgrown his absences although the learning delays etc. remained a concern. He was weaned off all medication and seemed fine. Almost a year later he was playing with his brother and banged his head. We had to walk home and as soon as he was outside his eyes were rolling towards the sky, almost constantly. I panicked and took him to the ER. They confirmed he was okay but completely dismissed the eye rolling, deciding over the next few weeks that it was purely a coincidence with timing of seizures returning and the bump to head. The eye rolling continued, gradually worsening over time.

Around the same time we moved and assigned a new neuro who over time decided his nee seizures were Eyelid Myoclonia with Absences. We tried all available AEDs without any success. We bought expensive Zeuss Z1 cobalt blue lenses, tried the ketogenic diet and still nothing helped. Eventually in around 2015 we were directed to a research project which was looking at gene mutations in epilepsy. Our results came back as Aiden having the CHD2 gene mutation (de novo). From this we also learned that his epilepsy was Jeavons Syndrome.

Since then, Aiden has also had a VNS fitted (almost 3 years ago) which has had no success at all and exhausted all forms of prescription AEDs. We tried CBD oil (zero THC) which helped a lot with AED side effects but not the actual seizures themselves. In 2019 we removed all AEDs and went with CBD alone. A few months later (at almost 14 years) Aiden had his first tonic clonic seizure, stopped breathing and turned blue. It was the most scary experience and one that I still have flashbacks to. He was admitted to hospital overnight and put on another AED for the tonic clonics.

I fought hard to allow Aiden the chance to try a medical cannabis based product in the UK but that caused horrendous side effects and landed him in the ER three times in two days. We are still fighting for the chance of Aiden being prescribed full medical cannabis (CBD with THC) but although rules allow it in the UK we still can’t actually get it.

Currently, Aiden is now 15 (16 in the summer) and has undergone a year of testosterone therapy to try catching up with his growth, however he is still small for his age, due to a bone-age delay, associated with the CHD2. His learning has regressed again (2nd time) due to side effects of AEDs and it effects his math abilities the most. His short term memory is poor and his seizures are upwards of 200-300 per day. At times, when outside, his seizures are at the status stage and he struggles with bright daylight and sunshine.

We fight on for anything that will help him lead a happy and safe life. He’s a happy boy who doesn’t let his epilepsy or delays affect his temperament at all. He loves school and is a very social lad who is constantly happy and excited with life. He will require constant and continual support and supervision and his future work and independence opportunities will be limited unless something changes.

It’s a constant worry but he’s a true joy and I’m extremely proud of the young man he’s become. Here’s hoping this research can find a cure, options and more hope.

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CHD2 Heroes


It took a little longer for us to figure out that something was not right. How could we have.. known?

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His journey starts all the back in January of 2017. When Kolman was 14 months old he had his first seizure. It was one of the scariest days of my life.

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I’ll never forget the night I held her for what seemed like an eternity, while she was ..per..encing petit seizure clusters. It wasn’t the first time, but it was the worst we had

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I remember experiencing what felt like a shiver shake in the tummy, the type of shake that.. someone would have when they feel a chill.

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Whenever he was awake he would be dosing off. I now realize that he was having seizures.. but his eyes would be rolling into his head.

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Last year, I wrote about my admission into a very exclusive, special-invitation-only parent group that will define the rest of my life.

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When the Coalition to Cure CHD2 was formed, I wanted to help but was not sure how. I would not be any good at fundraising or technical support.

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Colin was born in April 2015 at 29.5 weeks, 10.5 weeks early. He is currently 5 years old.

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Emma is a unique yet important member of the CHD2 community because of the discovery of her ultra-rare genetic problem that is quite different from the typical case of CHD2

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Having triplets plus one in one year changed my life in more ways than I ever thought possible, but it had been a long-time dream of mine and I was up for the challenge

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The journey of our daughter living with CHD2 started back in 2007 when she was 6 years old and seeing her eyes fluttering non-stop for minutes at a time, multiple times a day

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When Savannah was approximately 6 months old, we noticed she wasn’t meeting her milestones and had a twitch/tic like tendency.

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The CHD2 Support & Research Facebook Group was one of the most meaningful groups I joined in 2019

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Aiden, and his twin brother Logan, was born in the US in 2005. They were much wanted IVF babies and were a blessing (and a handful) from day one

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She was born at my parents’ house as I had a horror of hospitals, having quite recently given birth to an anencephalic baby that died at birth in one

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When I was pregnant with Lucas, things were great...until his 20 week anatomy ultrasound. The tech noticed his kidneys were a little large.

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I could not have chosen a better name for my son. An angel from the day he was born, who came to teach us lessons of life and love to his parents and siblings, to give us new ways of understanding and facing life

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I was born on February 17, 2010 and I am super excited for my birthday! I remember when I was a baby, 15 months old, when I started having quick arm movements that I could not control.

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We need you! Please register your loved one with us so we can speed up the pace to find a cure for CHD2-related disorders Register Here