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Colin was born in April 2015 at 29.5 weeks, 10.5 weeks early. He is currently 5 years old. He spent 2.5 months in the NICU, which was extremely difficult for his father and I.
Colin started Early Steps at 6 months old, and it was during this time that his therapists and I noticed some characteristics not completely explained by prematurity: not talking, limited eye contact and delayed motor skills to name a few.

At 2 years old, Colin was referred for an Autism screening. A week after his 2nd birthday, we received the most difficult news of our lives: Colin was diagnosed with Level 3 (Severe) Autism Spectrum Disorder with Speech Impairment (Non-verbal) and Global Developmental Delay. We immediately enrolled Colin in ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) Therapy, which is considered the best Autism therapy. We educated ourselves about Autism and did everything to ensure that we were doing the absolute best for Colin.

Around Colin’s 1st birthday we started noticing some body jerks and twitches. We consulted a neurologist who just wanted to monitor them. In July 2018, at 3 years old, Colin was referred to Children’s Hospital for an EEG and MRI since the jerks/twitches had not subsided. Shortly after, he was diagnosed with Myoclonic Encephalopathy. This means he has recurrent seizures/jerks, abnormal brain function, and intellectual disability. Also, at this time, we were under the care of a pediatric geneticist and underwent genetic testing to see if there was an explanation for Colin’s medical diagnoses.

In October 2018, the genetic results came back, and we were in complete shock: Colin had an extremely rare genetic disorder. Colin’s neurologist said he was the 41st in the world diagnosed with it. The genetic disorder has no official name. It’s called a CHD2- Related Disorder. We discovered that this was a de novo (not inherited) genetic mutation on the gene CHD2. This mutation happened at conception when the DNA strands were duplicating. About 20 people with a CHD2-related disorder had been studied at the time of Colin’s diagnosis. The common characteristics: myoclonic seizures/jerks, significant speech delay, including nonverbal, developmental delay, mild to severe intellectual delay, Autism, ADHD, and aggressiveness. At this point, everything made sense. Every diagnosis and characteristic were explained. That was a day that we will never forget.

Throughout his short life, Colin has faced a plethora of difficulties including the inability to speak, delayed cognitive and motor functioning, and aggressive meltdowns. This presents a challenge in our everyday lives as careful planning is necessary in order to help Colin function in a world that doesn’t make sense to him. He is a BRAVE little boy, and, despite the challenges, he makes progress daily. He has come so far in all areas of his life including, speech, behavior, academic/cognitive functioning, and motor planning/functioning, and he has done this all with a smile on his face. What may seem like tiny milestones to some, are HUGE celebrations to his father and me. We literally celebrate every little bit of progress. His father and I are extremely hopeful for a cure for CHD2 so that Colin is able to function better in a world that isn’t made for him.

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CHD2 Heroes


It took a little longer for us to figure out that something was not right. How could we have.. known?

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His journey starts all the back in January of 2017. When Kolman was 14 months old he had his first seizure. It was one of the scariest days of my life.

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I’ll never forget the night I held her for what seemed like an eternity, while she was ..per..encing petit seizure clusters. It wasn’t the first time, but it was the worst we had

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I remember experiencing what felt like a shiver shake in the tummy, the type of shake that.. someone would have when they feel a chill.

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Whenever he was awake he would be dosing off. I now realize that he was having seizures.. but his eyes would be rolling into his head.

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Last year, I wrote about my admission into a very exclusive, special-invitation-only parent group that will define the rest of my life.

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When the Coalition to Cure CHD2 was formed, I wanted to help but was not sure how. I would not be any good at fundraising or technical support.

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Colin was born in April 2015 at 29.5 weeks, 10.5 weeks early. He is currently 5 years old.

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Emma is a unique yet important member of the CHD2 community because of the discovery of her ultra-rare genetic problem that is quite different from the typical case of CHD2

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Having triplets plus one in one year changed my life in more ways than I ever thought possible, but it had been a long-time dream of mine and I was up for the challenge

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The journey of our daughter living with CHD2 started back in 2007 when she was 6 years old and seeing her eyes fluttering non-stop for minutes at a time, multiple times a day

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When Savannah was approximately 6 months old, we noticed she wasn’t meeting her milestones and had a twitch/tic like tendency.

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The CHD2 Support & Research Facebook Group was one of the most meaningful groups I joined in 2019

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Aiden, and his twin brother Logan, was born in the US in 2005. They were much wanted IVF babies and were a blessing (and a handful) from day one

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She was born at my parents’ house as I had a horror of hospitals, having quite recently given birth to an anencephalic baby that died at birth in one

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When I was pregnant with Lucas, things were great...until his 20 week anatomy ultrasound. The tech noticed his kidneys were a little large.

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I could not have chosen a better name for my son. An angel from the day he was born, who came to teach us lessons of life and love to his parents and siblings, to give us new ways of understanding and facing life

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I was born on February 17, 2010 and I am super excited for my birthday! I remember when I was a baby, 15 months old, when I started having quick arm movements that I could not control.

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We need you! Please register your loved one with us so we can speed up the pace to find a cure for CHD2-related disorders Register Here