We need you! Please register your loved one with us so we can speed up the pace to find a cure for CHD2-related disorders Register Here

Volunteer | Coalition to Cure CHD2

Fundraising Team Members
Event planning, encourage Facebook birthday fundraisers, seek corporate Donations, etc.

Newly Diagnosed Outreach Manager
Reach out to new CHD2 families and work with Study Recruitment Manager to encourage involvement

Study Recruitment Manager
Recruit for research studies; keep track of status of people in the recruitment process

Website Copy Editor
Help keep the website current as well as help to post new content

Newsletter Content Creator
Help write copy for our Newsletter

Press Release Content Creator
Help create copy for Press Releases

Email us at info@curechd2.org to learn more and sign up.

We need you! Please register your loved one with us so we can speed up the pace to find a cure for CHD2-related disorders Register Here